Can You Believe the Bible?
The Earth is looking mighty fine for as old as she is supposed to be—billions of years. The Bible doesn’t specifically give an age for the earth. It does, however, state that God created the heaven and the earth. He did not need evolution or billions of years of time to create.
True science doesn’t teach that the earth is billions of years old, but in fact less than 10,000 years old. Though the Bible does not state a specific age for the earth it does NOT cover a period of more than 10,000 years either.
If you find a treasure chest in a sunken ship and it contains coins with dates on them, you may not be able to determine the exact date it sank, but you can tell what date it sank “after” by the date on the newest coin in the chest. It is the youngest coin that tells what you need to know, not the oldest coin.
There are hundreds of ways to determine the age of the earth, but the same rule applies. It is the youngest coin in the chest that determines the date the ship sank, not the oldest.
The sun has been steadily shrinking at a rate of about 5 feet per hour for the last 300 years or so that it has been observed. Only 20 million years ago it would have been so big that it would have touched the earth.
Our moon is getting farther away from the earth at a rate of about 2 inches a year. If you take it back only a few thousand years–no problem. If you take it back a couple of inches a year for a few million there is a big problem. Because of the inverse square law every time you take half the distance you get quadruple the attraction. A moon as close as it would have been if you went back only a few million years would produce tides that would have completely covered the earth twice a day.
The surface of the moon collects dust from space like a windshield collects bugs. It does so at an easily calculable rate of about 1 inch every 10,000 years. Scientists in 1954 figured that the surface of the moon should have dust 54′ deep because they “knew” that the moon has been around for 4.6 billion years. Probes showed that the dust was only 3/4 of an inch deep. On July 20th, 1969, when Neil Armstrong stepped out right after he said the famous one small step speech he said, “It’s solid!”
The earth’s magnetic field is weakening at a predictable rate. Taking that backward a few thousand years–no problem. Take it back a few million years and there’s a big problem. The magnetic field would have been so strong that the moon would have been pulled into our orbit.
Because the rotation of the earth is slowing down an 11,000th of a second per day we add a second to our clocks every two and a half years. It is called leap second. We don’t celebrate it and many people never know or care it’s being done, but it is. The earth used to be spinning faster and has been slowing down at a predictable rate ever
since. If you go back 6-10 thousand years no problem, but if you take it backward a few million years it would have been spinning so fast that everything would have been blown off the face of the earth.
The continents are eroding into the seas at a predictable rate. If the earth were only 14 million (not 4.6 billion) years old the earth would be flat and the seas filled in at today’s rate of erosion.
Salt is washing out of the earth’s surface into the oceans at a predictable rate and the seas are getting saltier. The present levels of salt suggest an age of 4-13,000 years.
The Mississippi River delta has 80,000 tons of sediment an hour washing into it south of New Orleans. The whole Gulf of Mexico would be filled in by now if the earth were only a few million years old.
Niagara Falls was eroding soil at the rate of between four and five feet per year before hydroelectric dams were built and the Canadians poured concrete to keep it from happening. It has eroded about 12 miles from where it all started. That could have easily been accomplished in a few thousand years. If it had been going on for millions of years it would have eaten its way clear back past Lake Erie.
Oil wells have been discovered that have 20,000 pounds per square inch of pressure in them under the earth’s crust. Scientists admit that if that pressure had been there for millions of years the rock would have cracked and the pressure would have leaked out.
The oldest tree on earth is the Methuselah tree out in California. It is 4,300 years old. That just so happens to be just about the correct Biblical date for Noah’s flood. Why, if the earth is billions of years old, are there no trees older than 4,300 years? Simple. Our Earth is really much younger than we were taught in school and quite consistent with the age that fits the Biblical account.
You can believe the Bible!