No nation on earth has ever come back into their land and become a nation again after 2,000 years except Israel.
The Roman general Titus fulfilled the words of Jesus that the Jewish temple would be destroyed and not one stone left upon another. The nation of Israel was wiped from the earth within a few years of Jesus’ death.
The Jews who were not killed by the Roman armies were scattered all over the earth. Israel as a nation was gone.
Many of the Jewish people who were scattered kept their Jewish heritage and customs and refused to be assimilated into other cultures. The scattered Jews always dreamed of returning to their land that was given to their father Abraham by God Himself. It seemed like an impossible dream.
The Jewish Passover meal or “Seder” always ended by saying, “next year in Jerusalem.” But this was simply an impossible dream, just a wish for Jews — because there was no such thing as a Jewish Jerusalem or a Jewish nation. There was no more Israel so the Seder closed with the wish for all Jews to be able to return to Israel, just like they did after leaving Egypt-until 1948 that is!
Only because of the Holocaust and the slaughter of 6 million Jews by Hitler and the German allies was there enough sympathy for the Jewish people that they were allowed to return to their own land, which had been held by foreign powers for 2000 years.
“May 14, 1948, David Ben Gurion declared the restoration of the Jewish State, Israel, saying, “In order to be a realist, you must believe in miracles.” Isaiah seemed just as incredulous, challenging: “Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things? Can a land be born in one day? Can a nation be brought forth at once? For as soon as Zion was in labor, she gave birth to her children” (Isaiah 66:8). We have seen it—in our lifetime!”
Not only is it a divine miracle that the Jews are back in their land after 2000 years, but what they got back was thorns and thistles, a dry desert. J. Vernon McGee, a gospel radio preacher who died in 1988 often talked about what an ugly forsaken pitiful land Israel was. Miraculously the Jewish people have turned that desolate desert full of thorns and thistles into literally the promised land flowing with milk and honey since they returned in 1948.
Israel today has the 20th most powerful army on earth even though it is about the size of New Jersey!
“Yeshua himself declared that “Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled” (Luke 21:24). In June, 1967 Israel won a miraculous victory by defeating vastly superior Arab armies surrounding her in what came to be known as the Six-Day War. The Jewish people took back the city of Jerusalem after almost 2,000 years.”
1948 precedes me by 10 years but I remember 1967 well! This has happened in my lifetime.
“The prophet Isaiah saw a time when “The wilderness and dry land will be glad. The desert will rejoice and blossom like a lily” (Isaiah 35:1). It’s almost impossible to believe, but the fledgling State of Israel has developed such revolutionary agricultural methods, that even the sand produces lush crops! In her short time of existence as a modern State, Israel became one of the largest exporters of roses to Europe.” www.Jewish
Those who are students of the Bible know that there have always been Hamans, Herods, and Hitlers bent on the complete annihilation of the Jews. There is such hatred toward Israel to this day and it is growing day by day.
Israel is the hot spot of the world and the Bible says it would be so. The final battle of Armageddon will be fought in the Vally of Megiddo in Israel. The Old Testament prophets, the New Testament writers, and Jesus Himself told us to expect Israel to be wiped out and then be brought back into the land in the last days. This has happened!
“Because the Jewish people and Israel play a major role in Last Days prophecy, Satan is still hard at work opposing God’s plan. The impetus he is using to rally hatred against the Jewish people today is a powerful anti-Israel (and pro-Palestinian) deception, wrapped in false humanitarian claims and causes. Understand: Deception is a hallmark of the Last Days (Matthew 24:11). For the minuscule size of the country, the lack of natural resources, or strategic seaport, one has to question why Israel is always at the center of world controversy—her existence continually hanging in the balance. We see Israel at the epicenter of a boiling cauldron of increasingly violent factions rising up within the vast Arab lands surrounding her. The world has been told, and has almost mindlessly accepted, claims that all unrest in the Middle East is Israel’s fault—that if the Jews would give the Land “back to the Palestinians,” there would be peace in the world, and terrorism would end. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The stage is set to draw all nations into a final cataclysmic showdown in the Middle East; the nations may think it is against Israel, but they will find out it is against her God!
“Moreover, in that day I will make Jerusalem a massive stone for all the people. All who try to lift it will be cut to pieces. Nevertheless, all the nations of the earth will be gathered together against her” (Zechariah 12:3).”
The stage is set. The United States under Biden has and will, sadly, continue to abandon and oppose Israel and incur God’s wrath.
Genesis 12:2-3 still stands as a covenant between God and Abraham. It was an unconditional promise.
“I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you;
I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”
“God gave the promised land to the Jewish people as their eternal home. Every other nation was founded by an act of human will, but Israel is unique in that it was established by an act of God. It was promised to Abraham by God in an eternal covenant found in Genesis 17:8.”
We are commanded to pray for Israel if we are Christians. Psalm 122:6-7.
Keep an eye on the nation of Israel and watch God bless them while most of the whole world turns against them. God will keep His word to Abraham. No power on earth will be able to make the Jewish nation go away again.
Preacher of The Gospel