After a recent particularly exasperating conversation with a politically correct, word police, millennial who went into a twenty minute sermon on how jokes are not funny if anyone at all could possibly be offended by them, I did a search on google as follows: “young peple offended by words” and I was blown away to finally get some insight as to why anybody under 50 years old has no sense of humor, and is offended by practically everything! Seriously, you have to try this! Type that phrase into google (without the quote marks) and read the articles that come up. It is mind boggling!
“American Idol” when it was a new show, and our kids were still at home, was my wife’s and my first experience seeing how snowflakes handled criticism. They were being told they couldn’t sing by the judges. We couldn’t believe what we were seeing. They yelled and screamed at the judges and swore that the judges knew nothing about talent, proclaiming boldly that they were the next new big thing. It was unbelievable to us that these kids, who couldn’t hold a tune or sing a lick were so confident of their talents!
One of the articles that comes up on my Google search above was an eye opener:
“A millennial explains: Why we melt” by: KAYLEE MCGHEE, DETROITNEWS | 7:23 pm EDT July 11, 2017
Kaylee said, “Today’s college campus culture is drenched in political correctness and controversy over so-called “micro-aggressions.” And that’s because the millennial generation — my generation — brings with them to campus a hyper-privileged sense of entitlement and victimization.”
“Those brave enough to take on the millennial speech police are bombarded with insults and immediately accused of being racists and bigots, among many other of the left’s favorite terms for those on the other side of the aisle.
Millennials are in a constant contest to one-up each other in showing tolerance, and when anyone or anything stands in their way, they collapse into temper tantrums…because our predecessors failed to defend the moral code that once provided clarity, my generation replaced it with the morality of political correctness. The result is the snowflake-ification of a generation.”
“But what many fail to recognize is that these millennial snowflakes avoid saying or doing anything that could be deemed offensive largely because of how they were raised. Most grew up with parents who did everything they could to provide their children with happiness and emotional well-being, at the expense of personal responsibility and self-reliance.
When kids my age encountered coaches who didn’t give them enough playing time, teachers who gave them a bad grade or bullies on the playground, their immediate response was to tell their parents.”
Perhaps I need to define “Snowflake”- A very sensitive person. Someone who is easily hurt or offended by the statements or actions of others and melts if they are challenged or made to feel unsafe because of acts or words (and now even punctuation) they don’t like.
The next article that came up in my Google search really takes the cake and goes to a whole new level of stupidity and ridiculousness. Apparently periods at the end of a sentence are politically incorrect now!
In a most unbelievable article in the “New York Post” titled: “Young People Don’t Trust Anyone Who Uses This Punctuation Mark”written by
August 24, 2020 | 2:49pm
“Periods may be coming to a full stop.
While older texters may consider the period an innocent symbol that a sentence has ended, digital natives consider it a triggering form of aggression. The punctuation problem ignited over social media recently, with Gen Z and millennials agreeing that ending a sentence with a period is overly hostile and, worse yet, extremely uncool. ‘Only old people or troubled souls put periods at the end of every sentence,’ wrote digital culture journalist Victoria Turk in her book on digital etiquette, “Kill Reply All.”
“The younger generations consider the act of sending a text a sufficient signifier of a complete thought, Turk wrote, making periods feel unnecessary and overly final.”
“The thing is, in a messaging conversation, a period is simply not necessary,” she explained. “It’s clear when you’ve finished your thought already, so what function does the period fulfill? As a result, using a period in messaging now looks rather emphatic, and can come across as if you’re quite cross or annoyed.”
“Older people — do you realize that ending a sentence with a full stop comes across as sort of abrupt and unfriendly to younger people in an email/chat? Genuinely curious,” she asked in a since-deleted tweet.”
“‘While periods at the end of sentences might be on a downward slope, they can find themselves redistributed elsewhere, where they can be placed very deliberately in order to add emphasis,’ Turk wrote. This includes putting a period between every word, as in the example she gives: ‘Just. Look. How. Emphatic. This. Is.’”
The drunk guy at the Knox County Fair back in Illinois in 1974 was so right when he said, “People are dumber than mules!”
My wife worked as an R.N. for over 40 years, but in her later years before she retired all the young millennial nurses told her they were aghast that she still used the word “retarded” in a clinical sense to describe people who are mentally retarded! This usage was perfectly acceptable for many years when it was a diagnosis and no disrespect was intended. The word literally means a mentally handicapped person whose development is retarded or slowed. But heaven forbid if you use that word these days!
Halloween Day last year we attended a local Buckeye Trump rally at the corner of Watson and Yuma and some young twenty something millennial yelled at us from her car. “Your parents would be so ashamed of you!” We laughed because if our parents were still alive they would have been right there with us holding a flag, but instead it was our millennial kids who were ashamed of us! But, oh how we could use some under $2.00/gal. gasoline and some mean tweets right about now!
The more “Woke” people get the more stupid and absolutely ridiculous they become! Perhaps a definition of “WOKE” is also in order: “Woke (/woʊk/ wohk) is a term, originating in the United States, that originally referred to awareness about racial prejudice and discrimination. It subsequently came to encompass an awareness of other issues of social inequality, for instance, regarding gender and sexual orientation. Since the late 2010s, it has also been used as a general term for left-wing political movements and perspectives emphasising the identity politics of people of colour, LGBT people, and women.” ~ Wikipedia
Also, according to Wikipedia, “‘Cancel Culture’or call-out culture is a modern form of ostracism in which someone is thrust out of social or professional circles – whether it be online, on social media, or in person. Those subject to this ostracism are said to have been ‘cancelled’. The expression ‘cancel culture’ has mostly negative connotations and is commonly used in debates on free speech and censorship.
The notion of cancel culture is a variant on the term call-out culture and constitutes a form of boycotting or shunning involving an individual (often a celebrity) who is deemed to have acted or spoken in a questionable or controversial manner.”
The worst thing you can do now as far as the younger crowd is concerned is to use good old tried and true dictionary words and punctuation they don’t like!
This world has truly lost its mind and moral conscience and has traded it for politically correct woke nonsense. A sense of humor is a thing of the past for so many of the younger crowd and I truly feel sorry for them. I miss the country and culture I grew up in.